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Introduction to LibreTexts: Searching and Exporting

This guide provides an introduction to LibreTexts and its features.

Searching for OERs

You can visit to search their robust OER collections. On this site, mouse over Explore the Libraries at the top and then click on the Discipline you're interested in.

  • Bookshelves: Curated 'best' items selected by LibreTexts. Some of the most developed resources and the easiest area to browse.
  • Campus Bookshelves: Individual institutional bookshelves of resources within this discipline.
  • Learning Objects: Non-textbook resources in this discipline.

There is also a search box at the top, once you open a discipline library, where you can enter keywords to search across the bookshelves, campus bookshelves, and learning objects.

When you open the curated Bookshelves, those resources will be divided into separate bookshelves by topic area. You can click on a title to open it.

LibreTexts book details showing book title as Chemistry 2e (OpenStax), Creative Commons license as CC BY requiring attribution, book chapters, download button, and PDF button

As shown above, you can find the Creative Commons license at the top-right underneath the book title. Then there is usually a description of the book and a list of book pages and chapters. At the top-right are tools to get the PDF and download the book. To share the book, you can just use the URL in the browser address bar.

Exporting a Book to Import into Canvas

One of the primary needs is sharing OERs with your students. You can use the URL in the address bar to link to the OER within your course syllabus or content, but you can also export these titles in order to import them directly into Canvas. You do not need an account for this. You can do this by opening the desired title and going to Download.

LibreTexts book download options showing Import into LMS

Mouse over Downloads at the top-right (shown above), then click on Import into LMS. This will download a file type that you can import directly into Canvas.

Once you have it downloaded, open Canvas and go into settings on the left-side of the course pane. Go to 'Import Course Content' on the right side of the course pane. Set the Content Type as "Common Cartridge 1.x Package". For course, select the .imscc file that you downloaded. Select "All Content" and click import.


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