Creating an account is fairly simple and gives you access to a lot of content. While creating an account is not required to access or download their OERs, it is necessary to use the content editor or other tools. Creating an account gives you access to create and edit OERs and gives access to all discipline libraries.
To create an account, open the LibreTexts registration page. You will need to use your MVC email address. Once you register, you should receive a confirmation email. While registering, you will now have the option to create your account as an "instructor account". I'd suggest doing this to access all of their features. You'll need to submit a hyperlink URL for a bio page that shows you as a member of the MVC faculty. For example, if you have a page in our directory, that is ideal. You might also use a linkedin or similar page. (Getting your instructor status verified can take a few days. Until it is verified, you will still have access to everything except ADAPT and Studio.
In order to log in, you can visit the LibreTexts Conductor website. This will take you to your Conductor homepage. In Conductor, the most important button is the 'rocket icon' in the top-left of the page. This will open the list of all libraries and tools. You can also access Projects and Analytics at the top. Under your profile name at the top-right, you can click on and edit your settings.
There are a number of other options on the left including viewing alerts, submitting Harvesting Requests to add an OER that exists on another website onto LibreTexts, and submit an Instructor Verification Request.
In your Conductor homepage, you can click on Instructor Verification Request at the left. This process can take a couple of days but it necessary to access a few features. Namely, it's required to access the Adapt question bank/homework platform; as they do not want students to be able to view assignments and quiz questions.