MVC Library is integrated within Google Scholar, and Google Scholar is integrated within MVC Library's OneSearch catalog. See the following instructions on how to utilize this connection between these two resources.
You can now add MVC library resources to your Google Scholar results, to have access to even more resources.
The first, and preferred, way to have an ongoing connection between MVC Library and Google Scholar is to link them through your Google account. This will give you ongoing MVC Library access through Google Scholar (as long as you are a student).
1. Log-in to your Google Account. Click the triple bar symbol on the top left from a Google Scholar page. Choose settings.
2. Click Library links.
3. Search for Moreno Valley College. Choose "Moreno Valley College - View It @ MVC" (if two results appear then both can be selected). Click Save.
Now when you search in Google Scholar you should see "View It @ MVC" links on the right side of the results:
Clicking these links will take you to the library's record for these resources through which you can access the full text article.
This second method is easier but requires that you use the same unique link each time you want to access Google Scholar.
Now when you search in Google Scholar you should see "View It @ MVC" links on the right side of the results:
Clicking these links will take you to the library's record for these resources through which you can access the full text article.
At the bottom of each scholarly article or book record in OneSearch you will see a link that will automatically search for the resource within Google Scholar or Google Books. While you should have access to these resources through MVC Library, these links would be helpful if the article or book that you are trying to access is either not available or the link is not connecting properly.
Google Scholar and Google Books will show you what resources are available, but often they do not provide free access to the full resources. Oftentimes it will prompt you to pay for a resource to get full access to it - but don't ever pay for this access without checking to see if the library can find it for you for free first. We usually can find full access to these resources elsewhere, so chat, email, talk, text, or call with a librarian to let us know what resource you are trying to access and we'll do our best to find free access to it for you ASAP.
If you have any issues or questions then please contact the library: