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Online Historical Newspapers: Citing Newspapers

This guide contains links to free full-text or facsimiles of Historical Newspapers (mainly in the English language). Links are also provided to subscription databases.

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Basic Citation Styles

APA Style


Last Name, First Initial. (Date, Year First). Title of article.  Title of Newspaper, page numbers.


Banks-Altekruse, C. (2010, March 1). Give the Olympics a home. New York Times, pp. 27.


Note: If you access the article online, you must also indicate where you found it. 


Banks-Altekruse, C. (2010, March 1). Give the Olympics a home. New York Times, pp. 27.  Retrieved from


MLA Style


Last Name, First Name.  “Title of Article.”  Title of Newspaper Date of Publication.  Section Number.  Medium.*



Banks-Altekruse, Charles. "Give the Olympics a Home."  New York Times 1 March 2010. A1.  Print.

Note: If you access the article online, you must also indicate when you found it. 


Banks-Altekruse, Charles. "Give the Olympics a Home."  New York Times 1 March 2010. A1.  Web.  1 November 2011.


*”Medium” means the format of the newspaper article:  If you are looking at the printed newspaper, you would indicate that by including “Print,” and if the article is online you indicate that by stating “Web.”


Chicago Style


Format for Footnotes/Endnotes:


1. First Name Last Name, “Title of the Article,” Title of the Newspaper, Date of Publication, Section, Which edition.



1. Charles Banks-Altekruse, “Give the Olympics a Home,” New York Times,

March 1, 2010, Section A, Final edition.

Format for Bibliography:

Last Name, First Name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Newspaper, Date of Publication, Section. Which edition.

Banks-Altekruse, Charles. “Give the Olympics a Home.” New York Times, March 1, 2010, Section A, Final edition.

Note: If you access the article online, you must also indicate when you found it. 

Example for footnotes/endnotes:

1. Charles Banks-Altekruse, “Give the Olympics a Home,” New York Times,

March 1, 2010, Section A, Final edition.

Example for bibliography:

Banks-Altekruse, Charles. “Give the Olympics a Home.” New York Times, March 1, 2010, Section A, Final edition.

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