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Early Childhood Development

This guide is designed to help EAR students succeed in their early childhood development course and learn how to conduct research for their assignments.


Deciding on a topic for an essay, speech, or some other assignment can sometimes be overwhelming. The library has several resources that can help generate or spark ideas to write about.  Choosing a Topic
  1. Think about what interests you most or something you always wanted to find out about. 
  2. Use a resource to help you find a topic and gather some background information. Perhaps reading a newspaper will give you an idea.  Below are library databases that can help you locate topics on current events, controversial issues, or social issues.
Library Databases for Topic Ideas

These three databases are a good place to start when trying to decide on a topic or understand various arguments surrounding a topic.

  1. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center
  2. Points of View Reference Center
  3. SIRS Researcher

All of the library's databases are available on or off campus.
If you're using them off campus, you'll need to log in with your RCCD Student Email.


If your topic is too broad, you may get too much information that you will have to sort through.

If it is too narrow, you may not find the information that you need.   For example:

Let's say you decided your topic will be the environment

Just environment?  - Too broad!!  There are so many aspects of the environment. 

What do you want to know about it, and why do you choose that topic?  Your answers may help you to focus or narrow it down.  Are you interested in pollution, water issues, social issues, political issues. anthropological or artistic issues, etc.

When trying to narrow down your topic, it may help to think of the 5 Ws:

  • Who? - Does your topic relate to a specific population, age group, ethnic group, etc?
  • When? - Does your topic involve a certain time period?
  • Where? - Is your topic specific to a certain geographic area, country, city, county etc?
  • What? - What aspect of your topic do you want to look at? Legal issues, social issues, educational issues, etc?
  • Why? - Why is your topic important or what are some of the concerns surrounding your topic? Pollution, economic impact, etc?

OK. You say "nature".  So natural environment?  Environment and nature?  What aspects of nature do you wish to research?  Oh, OK.  You were reading Henry Thoreau's Walden.  But, you are still not sure of an exact topic even though you want to include Thoreau in your nature research. How about considering today's issues of global warming with that of Thoreau's years?  

Examples of EAR Research Questions / Thesis Statements
  • Social interaction helps babies learn faster.
    • The keywords would be: social interaction, babies, learn
  • Nutrition impacts the behavioral development of adolescents.
    • The keywords would be: nutrition, behavioral development, adolescents
  • Peer interactions improve cognitive development in children.
    • The keywords would be: peer interactions, cognitive development, children


Why are keywords important?  When searching library databases, or even Google, using Keywords rather than complete sentences will help you find information faster and more effectively. Using concise keywords can save lots of time rather than going through irrelevant results! Once you have good keywords, you can use those to search for print and ebooks available through the library, articles in journals, magazines, newspapers, videos, and more.  

Using your Research Question, make a list of keywords related to your topic.  
When trying to decide what is a keyword, it may help to look for the nouns and/or verbs in your topic/thesis statement.


Search statements are most efficient when Boolean Operators are used to connect keywords/search terms. 

There are 3 Boolean Operators: AND, OR, NOT
AND = Using AND will DECREASE the number of results in a search. AND is used to connect two different keywords/concepts.
OR = Using OR will INCREASE the number of results in a search. Similar terms are connected using OR. These terms are placed INSIDE parentheses. 
NOT = Using NOT will EXCLUDE terms from a search.
Phrase Searching: More than two words should be in quotations to be searched as a phrase.


Examples of search statements using Boolean Operators
("global warming" or "climate change") and "fossil fuel" and emissions
(covid-19 or pandemic) and ("higher education" or college) and (online or virtual)



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