Both private and federally funded clinical trials conducted both internationally and in the United States. You can search by condition, location, sponsor and other topics related to oral health, medicine, dental care, etc.
Provides substantial abstracts and summaries to controlled trials, Cochrane reviews, evidence-based information. Full text is available with a subscription.
Over 500 links related to dental hygienist that include dental journals (without subscription), professional organizations, reports, health related sites, listservs, career information, numerous other resources.
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. Offers a search box as well as an A-Z index to lists of research, clinical trials, slides, diseases, articles, etc.
Magills' Medical Guide is an online version of this critical health reference work. It contains hundreds of articles on a wide range of medical topics.
Search Tips
Connect two different concepts using AND. This will narrow down your topic.
Connect two similar concepts using OR. This will broaden your topic.
Search for phrases using quotes.
Search for word variations using an asterik. Ex: hygien*
Collection of full-text journals and monographs as well as indexing and abstracts of over 230 journals and some monographs on dentistry and oral sciences. Designed for the dental practioner.